Our drink prices are already the lowest in town (discounting the places that sell swill). And now we dip even lower into the economic depths of inebriation. For every drink purchased during the special ¿Qué dice? “happy hours” we will let the gods decide on pricing. The dice will tell.
- If, at the roll of the dice, you beat the house, you get your drink for half price.
- If you roll snake eyes, your drink is free.
- If the house wins, you pay our normal low price.
- This throwing of the dice is voluntary, of course, for those who think that gambling is immoral.
This ¿Qué dice? “happy hour” is on Thursdays, from 5 pm until closing.
I am a true believer in fate, at least for happy hours. For a year, when I was young, I made every important decision by flipping a coin. I had started out with the classic gateway fortune-telling ritual, the I Ching, but very quickly became frustrated with its slowness and impracticality. The result: That year was no different from any of the the others when I “made” decisions by myself. I had the same ratio of fuck-ups to successes that I had “normally.”
Now that I’m older and wiser, I’m reviving that youthful trust in fate by offering ¿Qué dice? happy hours, the Café Mordida version of fate as the determinant factor in booze prices.
Les Mystères du Château de Dé
(The Mysteries of the Chateau of Dice)
1929 – directed by Man Ray
A throw of the dice never abolishes chance. – Man Ray
On Sundays, of course, ladies drink for half price all night.