150 pesos (small rooted cutting)
BETLE LEAF, KUNYA, PAAN: Large heart shaped leaves on a rapidly growing tropical vine of the pepper family. Traditionally chewed with betle nut shavings (Areca catechu) and other condiments in the South Pacific, Southeast Asia and India.
Has a strong taste and numbs the mouth when chewed. The leaves by themselves are stimulant, antiseptic, tonic and stomachic: aiding digestion, decreasing perspiration, and increasing physical endurance. Efforts are being made worldwide to ban betle. The demand for betel leaves has been dropping in India because of acceptance of gutkha (chewing tobacco) by consumers over betel leaf-based “paan” preparation.
Needs tropical conditions to thrive: warm, moist, rich soil and a very high humidity. Grows very rapidly here in Vallarta.