The Bar Raro Mural by artist David Steinhardt
A Tradition: Mexico is infamous for Mordidas. We intend to expand on this tradition.
Mordidas keep the people healthy and gives them long life, free from worry and fear.
Mordidas are social lubricants of extreme versatility, opening doors and often relieving stress in many personal, romantic, business, legal and public encounters.
Mordidas is Un Bar Raro for artists, poets and drunks.
It is a Bistro Mexicano for those who would love quality food and drink in a low cost atmosphere.
Mordidas is a place to share food and drink at a leisurely pace. A place for people who like to talk, to laugh, to sit and think or to simply drink and watch a part of the world and enjoy the company of the people they are with.
It is a restaurant of human sized portions: A Pastiche of comfort food for the decadent: Culinary Sensuality for deprived/depraved.
Mordidas is a small Bar | Café, off the beaten path catering to the stranger in us all.
Oscar Wilde: “Illusion is the first of all pleasures.”
À chacun son goût
For Nacos, Pochos and Pinche Gringos…