I enjoy cooking with wine, sometimes I even put it in the food I’m cooking. – Julia Child
My introduction to cooking as an art was watching Julia Child on Television. I was in love with her, her openness, her creativity, her fearlessness, her love of life and all of its pleasures.
In this spirit, tho perhaps a bit more extreme, Mordidas is offering Drunken Cooking Classes. I know that it is sometimes, in some circles, popular to dismiss and deprecate Julia’s schtick of cooking while drinking and I do not use this reference in this manner. I love her performances and am totally simpatico.
The Mordidas Drunken Classes are held in our restaurant kitchen. They are serious explorations of the methods and results of creating food. Drinks are available during the process, both to loosen the participants and just because I like it.
Each class is approximately 2 hours long and all participants will enjoy together (hopefully) the results of the class at the table.
All ingredients are provided and there will be printouts of sources and methods or recipes given to each participant. Drinks will be available at the standard Mordidas low prices.
bon appétit