This is a busy week at Mordidas.
On Thursday, April 24, we are hosting the VallartaScene Forum Meetup and serving a Falafel Bar and Shish Kabobs. This meetup is from 6 pm until we close and is open to everyone. The Falafel Bar is 45 pesos and the Shish Kabob plate is 45 pesos or the combo for 75 pesos. Our guest waitress for the night is Karen formerly of Crazy Beaches. More info at
On Friday and Saturday, April 25 and 26, we have our normal hours of 4 to 10 pm and a normal menu of lasagne and our standard chili, etc.
On Sunday, April 27, we are hosting the 2nd Annual Vallarta Oyster Festival from 1 to 10 pm. This day is all about oysters with special prices on a large variety of oyster dishes plus free samples of our most popular oyster presentations: raw, traditional Oysters Rockefeller and the non-traditional Oysters Rockefeller adaptation, Oysters Mordida.
Cerveza is only 13 pesos this day and Oyster Rim Shots are only 20 pesos. Well drinks are 20 pesos and shelf drinks mostly 30 pesos. The oysters will be slipping and sliding and the booze flowing.
No food will be served this Sunday except that involving oysters. Our guest waitress for the event is Carol (crazi), formerly of Que?Pasa and Por K No.
As the last of the snowbirds leave and Vallarta settles into its low season mode, this is probably our last very active weekend of the season but we will remain open for most of the summer, maybe closing for a month in July for remodeling and travel.