Every Friday night at 11 pm, we screen movies that are not often seen in real life here in Vallarta. Normally Mordidas closes at 11 pm, and the door will be locked for these movies, but all you have to do is ring the door bell and say the magic phrase.
Free popcorn… Half price drinks… (nothing fancy. The regular bartender has gone home…)
Friday, February 23 – FRIDA Starring Salma Hayek, Antonio Banderas & Alfred Molina. Everyone knows the story and everyone loves the image of Frida, although, I would venture to say, most Frida-philes these days would not want to be anywhere near her because of her volatile, negative and unpredictable personality. She would not be popular in modern society. But she is popular in death.
Friday, February 16 – Mardi Gras, Valentine’s Day, Chinese New Years – The only movie I could think of that is appropriate for all of these celebrations in one week is CALIGULA Starring Malcolm McDowell, Helen Mirren & Peter O’Toole, Written by Gore Vidal. Produced by Penthouse Magazine. Rated XXX
Friday, February 9 – FRIDA: NATURALEZA VIVA. 1983 Starring Ofelia Medina. In Spanish but easily understood by those speaking other languages.
Friday, February 2 – 1920s SILENT MOVIE PORN – Mostly French, very different from modern porn: a bit more political, humorous and blatant. Rated XXX
Friday, January 26 – CASABLANCA. Starring Humphrey Bogart & Ingrid Bergman. This is the movie that inspired me to leave the US… Rated PG
Friday, January 19 – BARFLY. Starring Mickey Rourke & Faye Dunaway. Written by Charles Bukowski. This is the movie that inspired me to start Mordidas…. Rated R